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Here is an overview of the personality of Ragdolls;



Ragdolls are very gentle, relaxed and have a really sweet nature. They enjoy playing, love children and are great with any other pets. They love people and show great loyalty to their owners. Ragdolls can be welcoming to strangers and love being held and snuggled by people of all ages. They are a great pet for young children, as they tolerate and appreciate affection and attention and typically can withstand a child's exploration and potentially unexpected behaviors. Nonetheless, Ragdolls are calm and the best type of cat for anyone. 





















More Traits:


Very gentle loving breed


Extremely docile and even-tempered


Ragdolls are easy going and love human interaction


Most will run to greet you at the door


Many Ragdolls have been taught to come when called and play fetch


Ragdolls tend to be floor cats, not jumpers


Fascinated by water


Very trusting animals, so they should NOT go outside unattended

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